Business Clarity
Clarity means we no longer have a shotgun approach.
We have always known the goal. Good quality products leaving the door means satisfied customers and happy staff; that means keeping our family legacy alive.
Our strategy was to serve any customer; a shotgun approach. BlueOcean came in and interviewed the whole team. They dug deep and found their drivers and our customers’ drivers. The clarity this has provided to us has enabled us to approach the right people with the right message and it's not all on us.
We have used other consultancies in the past, but what attracted us to BlueOcean was their willingness and ability to help us achieve what we needed, not just tell us what to do.
Structure & Processes
It astounds me how involved one can become in someone else's industry.
We have always felt like our structure and processes were good. We have used lean manufacturing for a few years, we have regular team meetings and great communications across the teams. The change BlueOcean brought is next level. They dove straight in, wholeheartedly. Roland joined our board and has given our board meetings structure and purpose. He has ensured middle management feel empowered to be part of the change process, they don’t only present at our meetings but are part of finding solutions that work for the whole team.
BlueOcean started the process by truly understanding everything there was to know. They have thrown themselves into Kilwell like it’s their own business.
Team Empowerment
It is important to us that we are all part of the same journey and the same path to success.
In order to keep our staff happy, we knew we had to make crucial changes. We have all these people with incredible talent that are itching to push their boundaries and knowledge. We need to utilise their competencies better by empowering them more.
We realised change was needed across the whole organisation and a change team was formed. Change can be uncertain and scary, but with the support from BlueOcean it has been a positive experience. The team came up with 3 actions to be undertaken just before Christmas. It included employing a sales development manager and updating our core values. Within 6 months, we have hired a new sales development manager and the whole company got together and came up with values that are meaningful to everyone across the business.
We thought we provided an encouraging environment, however BlueOcean has given us the tools to provide real team empowerment.
Sales Performance
We feel confident that we have a team who are committed to succeed
Our customers all came to us by word-of-mouth. Many of them smaller clients, some of them generating little to no profit. If we had lost just one of our bigger players, it would have meant trouble for us. We never wanted to produce anything to compete with bulk tubing from China. Our products have always been unique and special.
BlueOcean has given us the clarity and confidence to move forward rather than do the same old. Our new brand and the vibrant new website are now showing the world who we truly are and what we are capable of.
The ability to tap into new markets, with improved marketing, advertising and our newly created sales team, means we have a future we are excited about.
The Team
You are part of Kilwell as opposed to a team at BlueOcean
We know we made the right choice when we signed up with BlueOCean. Often, I feel like we are their only client and I know that they actually care. We love having that extra head on our team, whether we need strategy, marketing or creative, we know we have someone to call at any time to give us sound and helpful advice.
Amanda Wells, Co-Director.

Emirates Team New Zealand
An alignment of values, coupled with fast-paced prototyping meant a perfect partnership.
Te Ahi Tupua
The world's largest 3D printed sculpture
LTA Research
"How difficult could this be? Well, actually pretty difficult."
Hardy Rifle
A constant pursuit of excellence
Kilwell History
90 years of composite excellence